Friday, March 25, 2011

How Eco-Jeepney Program Will Impact Our Highways


Below is the excerpt from with regards to the Department of Energy project dubbed as eco-jeepney. 

"MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Energy (DOE) has launched the Eco-Jeepney Program to help combat the rising cost of petroleum.

The DOE signed over the weekend a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Liga ng Transportasyon at Operator sa Pilipinas (LTOP), Makati Jeepeney Operators and Drivers Association (MJODA), Public Transport Workers Foundation (PTWF), Alliance of Concerned Transport Organizations (ACTO), Federation of Jeepney Operators and Drivers Association of the Philippines (FEJODAP), Pasang Masda, Alliance of Transport Operators and Drivers Association of the Philippines (ALTODAP) and United Transport Coalition (1-UTAK) for a program that promotes the use of auto-liquefied petroleum gas (auto-LPG) and/or compressed natural gas(CNG)-fed engines." visit for the entire article

The future really must be on clean energy. Imagine if a large portion of our major transport system especially jeepneys will be replace by auto-LPG, it would literally be a breath of fresh air for all of us which as of now depends on pollution emitting diesel fuel. There would also be few of us covering our nose every time a jeep overtakes us.

It would be a relief to the daily commuters, motorists and pedestrians to see a road partially free (if not totally free) of smoke coming out from darkened tailpipes which was forgotten to be clean by their masters.

This is also a way of combating the non-stop oil price hike (they do stop for a while) which is one of the reason why we have the ever increasing prices of basic commodities.

We should support this program since it is the environment and the future generation's interest which is at stake, and let it became our inspiration as a Filipino to strive for a better tomorrow.

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