Thursday, October 6, 2011

Who Else Wants to Invest in the Philippines?

The title of this post reflects what came into my mind when I read the news from Sun Star. These 10 companies will be great addition to others who started investing on renewable energy here in the Philippines specifically solar energy. This will be a big help in the realization of Philippine government's dream to fully energize the rest of the country, particularly in the remote areas.

The report said that 10 German companies are set to visit the Philippines soon to consider the renewable energy sources of the country as an investment opportunity. Let’s hope that this will be happen.

Here's the whole story.

"ABOUT 10 German companies are set to visit the Philippines soon to study the potential investment opportunities in the country for renewable energy, specifically on photovoltaic solar power generation, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Thursday.
Citing reports from the Philippine embassy in Berlin, the DFA said that a special program has been organized by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) for German companies to familiarize themselves on the country’s investment potential.
Philippine Ambassador to Germany Maria Cleofe Natividad reported that German firms have “renewed confidence” on the administration of President Benigno Aquino III.
In a workshop on solar energy technologies organized in Berlin by the GIZ and the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology(BMWi), Natividad told German executives that “the Philippines aims to provide electricity to 90 percent of all households by 2017,” which she added can “only be made possible by harnessing solar energy that can reach the most remote communities.”
Regular and traditional transmission systems can no longer work in remote communities as these systems are only viable in high-density populated areas.
She added that while in 2010, the installed solar power capacity of the Philippines was only 0.01 percent or one-ten thousandth of the total installed capacity nationwide and may appear to be negligible.
 This, however, means that there is still a big potential for development and expansion, Natividad stressed."
source: Sun Star 

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