Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two Great Things A Solar Cell Can Do


It has been a while since my last post but here I am again bringing you two good news that renewable energy has to offer aside from the fact that it produces power when conventional power sources and electrical grids are not available.

First is the news about winning in the Pacific-wide photo contest sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) by  Reynaldo C. Mondez, a Filipino, on a photograph relating to solar energy and how this photo according to him "gives hope to a sustainable future".

This is a very heartwarming photo because as most of us didn't know, some part of our country is not yet reach by electricity on power grid as we know it. And with the installation of this simple solar panel on most homes in the rural areas, we are also "installing" hope on people which has been long deprived by this basic things that the majority of us are enjoying for such a long time.

Second is the upgrading of Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration's (PAGASA) equipment specifically on mass installation of more than 70 automatic rain gauges across the country as part of an efforts to improve the country’s flood forecasting system.

This system is a great improvement especially in an agency that makes use of a very small government budget allocation and receives lots of bad criticisms most of the time. What make it great aside from gathering and giving fast and accurate data is the fact that it was powered by solar cells which make it operable even on remote areas where the cell sites which this gauges will be installed is located.

These things doesn't only makes you feel good but makes you excited and marvel on what could be the next thing that solar power or renewable energy sources has to offer.

source: GMA News and Manila Bulletin

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Good day! I'm Jose Manuel R. Jante, EcE and I'm just starting my career. I'm looking for a renewable energy career. I was browsing your blog so I thought you are knowledgeable about it. Do you know any good company in or near manila maybe laguna where I can start my green career? please email me at .. Your suggestion would be much appreciated.. Thank you so much.


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