Thursday, September 1, 2011

The "Big Wind" is Coming - Three Reasons Why

The news is in the business section of three local paper sites, the 1.3Billion USD investment on wind energy development between publicly listed Greenergy Holdings Inc. and China-based Tianjin Tianbao Investment and Development Corp. (TTIDC).

A portion of the news from Inquirer:
"MANILA, Philippines—Publicly listed Greenergy Holdings Inc. plans to invest at least $1.3 billion (roughly P55 billion) to develop wind power projects in the Philippines over the next 10 years."

"GREENERGY Holdings Inc. has partnered with a Chinese firm for the development of wind energy projects in the Philippines."

Also part of the news from Business World:
"GREENERGY HOLDINGS, Inc., formerly MUSX Corp., has moved to forge a joint venture with a Chinese firm to put up $1.3 billion worth of renewable energy projects in the next 10 years, a disclosure to the local bourse yesterday showed."

This could be the biggest investment so far and also the biggest project for wind energy development here in the Philippines and renewable energy in general. The location of the project was not yet disclosed but wherever it may be put up, it will surely boost the economy and tourism of that lucky place.

This project also boosted Greenenergy Holdings’ shares that rose to P0.011 on Wednesday from P0.0099 each Friday last week - an 11% increased.

Let us hope that the establishment of joint venture company will be fast track so that this project will become operational sooner.

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