Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Philippine Companies Not Interested in Sustainability?


Just got this news from ABS-CBN headlined as "PH companies not interested in sustainability?". Well thank God that it has a question mark and not a period at the end of it. I don't really think that Philippine companies are not interested in sustainability since most of them are also involved in renewable energy sources development. Anyway you will be the judge. Here is a portion of the report, read the whole news here.

"BANGKOK, Thailand - If Philippine companies’ non-participation in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development is any indication, then it seems like sustainable development is not a priority.
WBCSD president Bjorn Stigson said the CEO-led organization of some 200 top global companies is happy to invite Philippine companies to join.
“We have no member from the Philippines. Only the Philippine Business for the Environment is part of our regional network… It seems to be an indication (of their lack of interest). We would be very happy to invite the Philippine companies,” Stigson told reporters on the sidelines of the Thailand Sustainable Development Symposium 2011.
Organizers had invited some 10 CEOs of top Philippine companies to participate but not one agreed to come. The symposium, which was attended by 500 CEOs from around Asia, discussed the importance of sustainable development policies as the world prepares for the future.
Stigson said the world is in transition to sustainability, and companies can no longer say it is “business as usual.” The world population is expected to increase to 9.2 billion by 2050, the majority of which will come from emerging markets, from the 6.9 billion in 2010. This will mean increased competition for resources, and immense pressure on ecosystems.
Stigson said many countries are now competing in a “Green Race,” where they will be fighting it out to become a leading supplier of resource-efficient and low-polluting technologies and solutions. 
China is poised to become a leader in the green race, since sustainable development is a key part of the government’s 5-year plan. Renewable energy investments have already reached $49 billion, already outpacing the United States.
South Korea is also a strong contender, having the largest share of government-led economic stimulus for the “green” sector. Japan is known as one of the most energy efficient countries. India is also interested in becoming a supplier of low-cost solutions based on domestic demand for its large poor population.
“This is the biggest business opportunity. There is a need for new solutions, new products, etc… There is a lot of growth. It’s a different kind of growth but it will have to be resource-efficient, low-polluting, otherwise we won’t have a functioning world,” Stigson said."
source: abs-cbnnews.com 

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