Monday, August 22, 2011

4 Helpful Renewable Energy News Via Google Alert

I just want to share the renewable energy reports that I recieved from August 21 to 22 through google alert. I estimated that I am receiving google alerts news relating to renewable energy 10x a day and I want to share some of it here.

Item 1 and 4 are pretty much the same and related though process differenty, it is related to bio-ethanol fuel which is of great help on agricultural industry. Renewable energy craze today will surely help the nation in combatting poverty and unemployment.

Please click the link to read the whole news.

1. San Carlos BioPower to put up 18-MW biomass plant
MANILA, Philippines - San Carlos BioPower Inc. (SCBioPower) will put up an 18-megawatt (MW) biomass plant within the San Carlos Ecozone, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental that will utilize sugarcane residues as feedstock.

2. Green energy to create jobs, increase tax revenue
Over 20,000 to 50,000 “green" jobs will be created once the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 is implemented, a power company executive said over the weekend.

First Gen vice president Aloysius Santos said that the wind industry is expected to generate 5,000 to 6,000 jobs from 220 megawatts (MW) in wind projects. Lopez-owned First Gen is developing an 86 MW wind farm in Ilocos Norte.

3. Agus-Pulangui sale to trigger higher electricity rates for Mindanao
MANILA, Philippines — The proposed privatization of 900-megawatt Agus and Pulangui hydro-power plants is being seen as an opportunity to finally reflect the true cost of electricity in the Mindanao grid and could mean higher power rates for Mindanao consumers, who have been enjoying lower rates than the rest of the country.

4. DA says Phl is ready to export sugar
QUEZON CITY, Aug. 22 (PIA) -- The Department of Agriculture (DA) said over the weekend the Philippines is poised to export at least 300,000 metric tons (MT) of raw and refined sugar this crop year (CY) due to a bumper sugarcane harvest...

... Likewise, the DA-SRA will support the development of other feasible alternative uses of sugarcane and its by-products such as bio-ethanol and power co-generation.
“As we near the realization of the full potential of sugarcane especially in biofuel, and with a more stable supply, we anticipate a more productive and profitable Philippine sugar industry,”Alcala said to over 2,000 conference delegates from Europe, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, Indonesia, China and Hongkong, Singapore, and Africa.

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