Monday, August 15, 2011

Solar Energy Demand Grows Despite High Cost of Power Generation


Demand is significantly growing for solar energy as consumers from both residential and corporate/industries are now more aware of implementing energy efficiency although power generation from this type of energy source is four times more expensive than the traditional sources.

According to Energy Smart Program chairman Al Santos, the establishment of more solar energy source in the Philippines is still on the experimental stage, and the availability of land remains an issue because of cost concerns. More commercial buildings and households have installed solar energy facilities on their rooftops. A good model that should be followed by more companies, and even by residential users.

Philippine government should strongly implement effective incentive strategies to power producers in setting up plants for renewable energy to achieve in the fastest way possible its plan of tripling the country’s dependence on renewable energy to 15,000 megawatts in the next 20 years.

By increasing our dependency on renewable energy we may also achieve the Kyoto Protocol requirement wherein it requires all member states of the United Nations to reduce their carbon emissions and mitigate the worsening changes in the world’s climate.

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