Saturday, August 6, 2011

Two Amazing Vehicle Concept Design

Can't help but notice the similarity of Ajiro bike to Kenneth Cobonpue's concept car - the Phoenix. Similarity not mainly on the looks but on the materials that it is made of. Ajiro bike integrates bamboo on bike design while Phoenix is a combination of 2 materials which was bamboo and rattan.

The Phoenix caught the eye of those who have seen it when it was showcased at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile during the Milan Design Week last April. Visitors from Mercedes Benz was amazed by it and two car manufacturer expressed interest in a collaborative project with Kenneth.


Ajiro bike is a finalist on  Australian Design Awards and has this words for this beautiful bike.

"The velomobile concept provides a natural source of human power, bridging the gap between car and bicycle by providing on-board storage and canopy protection for the rider. Simplifying the package, the [Ajiro's] rear wheels act as the steering mechanism, with the front wheel providing power input. This removes complexity of many recumbent vehicles reliant on derailleur systems. For stability at the low speeds proposed for urban use, most of the rider weight is positioned over the rear wheels."

        Ajiro bike

In terms of energy, materials that needs to be manufactured required large amount of energy resulting to expensive product unlike if you grow the product which is very sustainable and only require a small amount of energy.

Pretty good design isn't it, no need to manufacture the materials but instead you have to grow it, it is renewable plus you don't worry for the parts to be dump anywhere when it will became unusable - it will just decompose.


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