Thursday, August 18, 2011

This Could Be Your Dream Job


Have you read the news from today? No its not about the lack of jobs here in the Philippines that caused our beloved OFWs to work in dangerous foreign land than to stay here. Its actually the opposite of it. And I believed has been done in other countries, a sort of dream jobs for people who wholeheartedly and seriously 'born' to protect and preserve the environment.

Here's a quote of the report:
"According to Labor Undersecretary Lourdes Trasmonte, the government is now looking at the emergence of new kinds of employment as a result of ongoing efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Trasmonte said protecting the country’s environment from the negative effects of climate change would require new skills in different industries.
She said the shift to more environment-friendly industries would also pave the way for a new pattern of production and give rise to new demand for labor.
“There are new skills to be needed by the industry and these are what we are calling green jobs or those that contribute substantially to preserving or restoring the environment,” she said...  
... new jobs likely to emerge are those involved in solid waste management, renewable energy, natural resources preservation, and disaster risk reduction management."

This is good news for me because more than just decreasing the un-employment rate here at PH by adding new kind of jobs and also preserving the environment, this will also create an immeasurable impact on the awareness and maybe, just maybe, on the consciousness of every Filipino, an environmental awareness.

Something that no amount of environment preservation campaign can compensate because you are injecting an idea through a satisfying labor which also puts food on the table. An idea that should be inside each one of us so that we can preserve and protect on what remains of our precious nature.

The world will literally become a better place if more and more environment and nature oriented jobs are created.

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