Friday, August 5, 2011

More Than Any Energy

Renewable energy comes in different form, the most abundant of them all is solar energy. Then there's wind, hydro energy, geothermal and so on. Certainly life on earth wouldn't exist without the sun.  With this several sources of energy, it is the sun that allows most other types of energy to exist, it is impossible to live without the sun. It is the center of our solar system giving off heat, light, and radiation. The sun is actually a ball of glowing gases. It is hotter than anything we can imagine. It is so hot that we can feel its heat even though we are 93 million miles away from it.

For example, the sun allows plants to make food in a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis allows for almost all other living organism to survive.

Looking inside the sun, you would see four different layers: the core, the radiative zone, the convective zone, and the photosphere. More than that in the outer layer it is also composed of chromosphere, corona, sunspot, granules and on the outermost part the prominence.

The sun produces heat, light, and radiation through the process of fusion. Fusion occurs when a substance is so hot that atoms gain and lose particles, actually changing from one type of element to another.

Our sun is about 5 billion years old. It is nearly half way through its life. Five billion years from now the sun will run out of hydrogen gas. When that happens the sun will grow about one hundred times bigger than it is right now. And then it will start to become a white dwarf. Our sun will become a glowing hot ember, about the size of Earth and will eventually cool down.


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